xdebug 2.4.1

Xdebug is a debugging and productivity extension for PHP

Xdebug and provides a range of features to improve the PHP development

Step Debugging
A way to step through your code in your IDE or editor while the script is

Improvements to PHP's error reporting
An improved var_dump() function, stack traces for Notices, Warnings, Errors
and Exceptions to highlight the code path to the error

Writes every function call, with arguments and invocation location to disk.
Optionally also includes every variable assignment and return value for
each function.

Allows you, with the help of visualisation tools, to analyse the
performance of your PHP application and find bottlenecks.

Code Coverage Analysis
To show which parts of your code base are executed when running unit tests
with PHP Unit.

License: Xdebug-1.03


Tue, Aug 02, 2016 - xdebug 2.4.1

= Fixed bugs:

- Fixed issue #1106: A thrown Exception after a class with __debugInfo gives
2 errors
- Fixed issue #1241: FAST_CALL/FAST_RET take #2
- Fixed issue #1246: Path and branch coverage should be initialised per
request, not globally
- Fixed issue #1263: Code coverage segmentation fault with opcache enabled
- Fixed issue #1277: Crash when using a userland function from RSHUTDOWN with
profiling enabled
- Fixed issue #1282: var_dump() of integers > 32 bit is broken on Windows
- Fixed issue #1288: Segfault when uncaught exception message does not
contain " in "
- Fixed issue #1291: Debugclient installation fails on Mac OS X
- Fixed issue #1326: Tracing and generators crashes with PHP 7.x
- Fixed issue #1333: Profiler accesses memory structures after freeing