PDO driver for IBM databases

This extension provides an IBM database driver for PDO. This driver supports IBM DB2
Universal Database, IBM Cloudscape, Apache Derby databases and IDS (Informix Data Server).

License: Apache License 2.0

Latest releases

Version Release Download
1.6.1 2023-11-16 PDO_IBM-1.6.1.tgz
1.6.0 2023-11-15 PDO_IBM-1.6.0.tgz
1.5.0 2022-03-21 PDO_IBM-1.5.0.tgz
1.4.2 2021-09-30 PDO_IBM-1.4.2.tgz
1.4.1 2020-12-22 PDO_IBM-1.4.1.tgz
Show all releases


Version Message
1.6.1 This fixes a packaging issue that prevented the PECL command from being able to install the package. Manual installations weren't affected.
1.6.0 - Support for PHP 8.3
- Support for boolean data type (IBM i 7.5, Db2/LUW 9.6)
- Fix incorrect buffer size for SQLBindParameter (causing -902 otherwise)
- Fix error handling for IBM i attributes
- Improve error reporting when SQLGetDiagRec fails
- Build system improvements for finding driver library
- CI and test suite improvements
1.5.0 * 2022-03-21: 1.5.0
- PHP 8.1 support
- On IBM i, support INI option for CCSID override
- On IBM i, support INI option for pessimistic DBCS alloc
- Resolve crash with LOBs
- Fix build issues with MSVC
- Fix detecting CLI driver on 64-bit Windows
- Use modern PDO includes check (resolves compatibility with i.e. Ubuntu, MacPorts)
- Fix tests for PHP 8.1 and modern Db2 LUW
- Clean up IBM i command helpers
- Fix improper return types and declarations
1.4.2 * 2021-09-30: 1.4.2
- Enable liveness checks on all platforms
- Fix build issue with ulong on some platforms (did not affect Linux/IBM i)
- Remove spurious warnings from closing the environment handle on IBM i
- Enable processing driver options before connection (fixes naming mode issues on IBM i)
- Getter for current naming mode on IBM i
1.4.1 * 2020-12-22: 1.4.1
- Fix memory leaks
- Remove PHP compatibility stubs and ifdefs
- Fix compile warnings
- Fix tests with PHP 8 exceptions
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