openswoole 4.7.1

High Performance Programmatic Server for PHP with Async IO, Coroutines and Fibers

Build high-performance, scalable, concurrent TCP, UDP, Unix Socket, HTTP, WebSocket services with PHP and easy to use coroutine, fibers API.

License: Apache 2.0


New feature
* Introduce a new concurrency mode (#4330) (@doubaokun)

* Supported query /etc/hosts for System::dnsLookup (#4341) (#4349) (@zmyWL) (@NathanFreeman)
* Supported boost context support for mips64 (#4358) (@dixyes)
* Supported CURLOPT_RESOLVE option for SWOOLE_HOOK_CURL (swoole/library#107) (@sy-records)
* Supported CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS for SWOOLE_HOOK_CURL (swoole/library#117) (@sy-records)
* Supported boost context support for riscv64 (#4375) (@dixyes)

* Fixed memory error on shutdown (PHP-8.1) (#4325) (@twose)
* Fixed not serializable classes for 8.1.0beta1 (#4335) (@remicollet)
* Fixed multiple coroutines recursively creating directories (#4337) (@NathanFreeman)
* Fixed native curl bugs (#4360) (@matyhtf)
* Fixed PDOStatement::bindParam() expects parameter 1 to be string (swoole/library#116) (@sy-records)