dom_varimport: Changelog

Version Message
1.11.3 ** Minor
* Typos in config.m4, fix test files role [remicollet]
* Relax a little test 003 - may help with tests "false-negatives" [remicollet]
* Update README, link to TravisCI integration
1.11.2 ** Bug
* @attribute: rare bug with numeric keys processing, more errors checks and tests
1.11.1 ** Typo
* Remove an outdated test (expired after the version is migrated from README to package.xml)
1.11.0 ** New Feature
* Special key @attributes to set predefined attributes, ability to populate DOMElement [Dimasik]
* Support for different types in @attributes array [Dimasik]
* Tests for special attribute and DOMElement [Dimasik]
* Enable Win32 build (ZTS support)