
A zip management extension

Zip is an extension to create, modify and read zip files.

License: PHP-3.01

Latest releases

Version Release Download
1.22.3 2023-11-14 zip-1.22.3.tgz
1.22.2 2023-08-23 zip-1.22.2.tgz
1.22.1 2023-06-29 zip-1.22.1.tgz
1.22.0 2023-06-26 zip-1.22.0.tgz
1.21.1 2022-09-16 zip-1.21.1.tgz
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Version Message
1.22.3 - fix GH-12661 (Inconsistency in ZipArchive::addGlob 'remove_path' Option Behavior)
1.22.2 - add ZipArchive::LENGTH_TO_END and ZipArchive::LENGTH_UNCHECKED constants with libzip 1.10.1
- use typed constants in 8.3
1.22.1 - add more tests
- ZipArchive::FL_RECOMPRESS constant is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of libzip
- add ZipArchive::FL_OPEN_FILE_NOW to open the file when added instead of waiting for archive to be closed
1.22.0 - compatibility with 8.3
- add new error macros (ER_DATA_LENGTH and ER_NOT_ALLOWED) with libzip >= 1.10.0
- add new archive global flags (ER_AFL_*) with libzip >= 1.10.0
- add ZipArchive::setArchiveFlag and ZipArchive::getArchiveFlag methods
1.21.1 - PHP 8.2 compatibility
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