win32service: Changelog

Version Message
1.0.2 * Rewrite some code (espectaly if/else instruction).
* Add more detail in exception message.
* Fix recovery settings error (issue [#71](
The binary is also available here:
1.0.1 * Allow all function reserved for cli SAPI on embed SAPI. (@EionRobb) (issue [#63](
* Update for PHP 8.1
The binary is also available here:
1.0.0 * Upgrade to PHP 8
* Add Win32ServiceException.
* Use ValueError if argument value is wrong.
* Use Win32ServiceException instead of return value.
* Convert some PHP Error and PHP Warning in Win32ServiceException.
The binary is also available here:
0.4.2 * Add contact information for send feedback
The binary is also available here:
0.4.1 * Remove the PHP version check. For fix the PHP crashes when `phpinfo` is called by CGI SAPI. (issue [#45](
* Fix PHP 7.4 errors in object example (issue [#46](
The binary is also available here:
0.4.0 * Add win32_send_custom_control, win32_set_service_exit_mode and win32_set_service_exit_code functions.
* Add severals constants.
* Add many configuration option for win32_create_service function.
The binary is also available here:
0.3.2 The website is

* Fix bugs.
The binary is also available here:
0.3.1 The reporitory has been transfered to an independent GitHub organisation.
The new website is

* Removing the PHP version check for not working versions
* Add support for PHP 7.3.
* Fix bugs.
The binary is also available here:
0.3.0 Add support for use a non admin account for start, stop, pause, resume service.
Add support for PHP 7.2.
Fix bugs.
The binary is also available here:
0.2.1 Fix issue with PHP 7.1.4.
The binary is also available here:
0.2.0 Update for PHP 7.0 and 7.1.
The binary is available here:
0.1.0 - Initial PECL release