teds 0.6.0

Provides extra data structures and iterable/array functionality.

teds (Tentative Extra Data Structures) is a collection of data structures and iterable functionality

License: BSD-3-Clause


* Make `Teds\stable_compare` sort objects by class name with strcmp before sorting by spl_object_id.
* Add a hash map `StrictMap` using `Teds\stable_hash` as a hash algorithm.
Keys are returned in order of insertion.
* Add a hash set `StrictSet` using `Teds\stable_hash` as a hash algorithm.
* Add a sorted map `SortedStrictMap` using `Teds\stable_compare` as a comparison function.
Keys are returned ordered by `Teds\stable_compare` and no two keys have `stable_compare` return 0 (i.e. no two keys are equivalent).
* Add a sorted set `SortedStrictSet` using `Teds\stable_compare` as a comparison function.
* Add StableMinHeap/StableMaxHeap extending SplMinHeap/SplMaxHeap, using `Teds\stable_compare` as a comparison function.