syck 0.9.2

YAML-1.0 parser and emitter

A binding to the Syck library.
YAML(tm) (rhymes with "camel") is a straightforward machine parsable data serialization format designed for human readability and interaction with scripting languages. YAML is optimized for data serialization, configuration settings, log files, Internet messaging and filtering.

License: PHP License


- gcc-2.95 compatibility (patch by Brian J. France)
- fixed dumping of mixed arrays and numeric-arrays starting from non-zero digit
- fixed loading of maps with numeric keys
- short-and-flat arrays are dumped using inline-mode now (for readability)
- changed explicit type of DateTime class to be !php/object::DateTime
- added support for loading explicitly typed DateTime (with timestamp-compatible value)
- added support for loading sequences into classes which implement ArrayAccess (!php/array::ClassName)
- added support for loading maps into classes which implement ArrayAccess (!php/hash::ClassName)
- added support for loading classes which implement Serializable (!php/object::ClassName)
- added support for dumping classes which implement Serializable (!php/object::ClassName)