swoole 4.8.0

Event-driven asynchronous and concurrent networking engine with high performance for PHP.

Event-driven asynchronous and concurrent networking engine with high performance for PHP.
- event-driven
- coroutine
- asynchronous non-blocking
- multi-thread reactor
- multi-process worker
- multi-protocol
- millisecond timer
- built-in tcp/http/websocket/http2 server
- coroutine tcp/http/websocket client
- coroutine read/write file system
- coroutine dns lookup
- support IPv4/IPv6/UnixSocket/TCP/UDP
- support SSL/TLS encrypted transmission

License: Apache2.0


New APIs
* Added Co::getStackUsage() (#4398) (@matyhtf) (@twose)
* Added Coroutine\Redis some api (#4390) (@chrysanthemum)
* Added Table::stats() (#4405) (@matyhtf)
* Added Coroutine::join() (#4406) (@matyhtf)

New feature
* Supported server command (#4389) (@matyhtf)
* Supported Server::onBeforeShutdown callback (#4415) (@matyhtf)

* Set error code when websocket pack fails (swoole/swoole-src@d27c5a5) (@matyhtf)
* Added Timer::exec_count field (#4402) (@matyhtf)
* Supported for hooked mkdir using open_basedir ini config (#4407) (@NathanFreeman)
* Added vendor_init.php (swoole/library@6c40b02) (@matyhtf)
* Supported CURLOPT_UNIX_SOCKET_PATH for SWOOLE_HOOK_CURL (swoole/library#121) (@sy-records)
* Supported ssl_ciphers config for client (#4432) (@amuluowin)

* Fixed unnecessary URL decode of file names when uploading files (swoole/swoole-src@a73780e) (@matyhtf)
* Fixed HTTP2 max_frame_size error (#4394) (@twose)
* Fixed curl_multi_select bug #4393 (#4418) (@matyhtf)
* Fixed missing coroutine options (#4425) (@sy-records)
* Fixed connection cannot be forcibly closed when the send buffer is full (swoole/swoole-src@2198378) (@matyhtf)