swoole 4.5.6

Event-driven asynchronous and concurrent networking engine with high performance for PHP.

Event-driven asynchronous and concurrent networking engine with high performance for PHP.
- event-driven
- coroutine
- asynchronous non-blocking
- multi-thread reactor
- multi-process worker
- multi-protocol
- millisecond timer
- built-in tcp/http/websocket/http2 server
- coroutine tcp/http/websocket client
- coroutine read/write file system
- coroutine dns lookup
- support IPv4/IPv6/UnixSocket/TCP/UDP
- support SSL/TLS encrypted transmission

License: Apache2.0


New APIs
+ Added swoole_substr_unserialize and swoole_substr_json_decode (#3762) (@matyhtf)

+ Modified Coroutine\Http\Server::onAccept to private property (#dfcc83b) (@matyhtf)

* Fixed coverity issues (#3737) (#3740) (@matyhtf)
* Fixed some bugs on Alpine (#3738) (@matyhtf)
* Fixed swMutex_lockwait (#0fc5665) (@matyhtf)
* Fixed PHP-8.1 build error (#3757) (@twose)

* Added check_liveness for Socket::read/write/shutdown (#3735) (@matyhtf)
* Changed the type of session_id and task_id to int64 (#3756) (@matyhtf)