swoole 4.1.2

Event-driven asynchronous and concurrent networking engine with high performance for PHP.

Event-driven asynchronous and concurrent networking engine with high performance for PHP.
- event-driven
- coroutine
- asynchronous non-blocking
- multi-thread reactor
- multi-process worker
- multi-protocol
- millisecond timer
- built-in tcp/http/websocket/http2 server
- coroutine tcp/http/websocket client
- coroutine read/write file system
- coroutine dns lookup
- support IPv4/IPv6/UnixSocket/TCP/UDP
- support SSL/TLS encrypted transmission

License: Apache2.0


+ Add `socket_hook`
* Fix bugs in nested coroutines
* Fixed variable reference count problem when `exit` in the coroutine
* Coroutine MySQL`query`, `prepare`, `execute` does not time out by default, conforms to the documentation API description
* The MySQL transaction operation of the coroutine is forbidden to use the defer mode, and the developer needs to use it explicitly. The concurrent open transaction can be replaced by `query`.
* Fix the problem of mmap `MAP_FAILED` return value detection
+ Add PECL package verification