swoole 1.10.1

Event-driven asynchronous and concurrent networking engine with high performance for PHP.

Event-driven asynchronous and concurrent networking engine with high performance for PHP.
- event-driven
- coroutine
- asynchronous non-blocking
- multi-thread reactor
- multi-process worker
- multi-protocol
- millisecond timer
- built-in tcp/http/websocket/http2 server
- coroutine tcp/http/websocket client
- coroutine read/write file system
- coroutine dns lookup
- support IPv4/IPv6/UnixSocket/TCP/UDP
- support SSL/TLS encrypted transmission

License: Apache2.0


- Fixed Http2\Server cannot set http header
- Added http_proxy_user and http_proxy_password options
- Added Client::shutdown
- Added WebSocket\server::isEstablished
- Added debug_mode option
- HttpClient compatible with Unity3D