sphinx: Changelog

Version Message
1.3.3 - Added setFilterString() method, available only when built with sphinxclient lib >= 2.2.3.
- Fixed bug #67669 (SphinxClient::escapeString() is missing several symbols)
- Fixed bug #69675 (crash when accessing properties of subclass)
1.3.2 - Fixed build with older libsphinxclient versions (Dmitry Saprykin)
- Added LICENSE to the package.
1.3.1 - Fixed bug #67216 (segfault on setGroupBy()) (Dmitry Saprykin)
- Fixed bug #66272 (Some constants are not defined)
1.3.0 - Fixed setRankingMode's proto and add new ranking mode constants (patch by Michael Squires)
- Fixed segfault when reading object properties.
- Fixed bug #62026 (Second param in setRankingMode should be optional)
1.2.0 - Added mva support to updateAttributes().
- Fixed build with 5_4.
- Fixed bug #61392 (build failure with new version of libsphinxclient)
1.1.0 - Added support for new API in sphinx 1.10
- Fixed PECL bug #18325 (support 1.10-beta string attributes)
- Fixed PECL bug #17558 (time taken in search result was incorrect)
1.0.4 - Fixed PECL bug #17007 (incorrect query causes SEGFAULT)
1.0.3 - Added support for open(), close(), status() and setOverride() available in sphinx 0.9.9 new API
1.0.2 - Fixed crash when extending class doesn't call parent constructor.
1.0.1 - Fixed build failure with PHP 5.1.x.
- Added support for setSelect(), available in sphinx 0.9.9 new API (patch by Olivier Poitrey)
1.0.0 - Added __sleep() and __wakeup() methods to prevent (un)serialization of SphinxClient instances.
- Fixed PECL bug #15033 (segfaults on SPARC because of unaligned read).
- Fixed PECL bug #14930 (configure fails on freebsd). (patch by nobleclem at fatalexception dot us)
- Fixed PECL bug #14752 (32-bit Client does not work with 64-bit ids). (nobleclem at fatalexception dot us, Tony)
0.2.0 - Updated SphinxClient::updateAttributes() to return number of updated attributes on success.
- Updated SphinxClient::setIDRange() to accept integers, not floats.
- Updated SphinxClient::addQuery() to return integer on success.
0.1.0 - Initial PECL release.