scoutapm: Changelog

Version Message
1.10.0 - Add support for PHP 8.3 (#135)
- Fix CI build matrix (#137)
- Add help for installing the ext in a Dockerfile (#136)
1.9.1 - Fix missing PHP 8.2 assets for Windows (#130)
1.9.0 - Add PHP 8.2 support (#125)
1.8.3 - Improved MINFO output for curl availability (#126)
1.8.2 - Enable HAVE_SCOUT_CURL if it is available in the Windows builds (#121)
1.8.1 - Added automation to upload DLL for Windows releases (#112)
1.8.0 - Added support for compiling on Windows (#109)
1.7.0 - Pinned Elasticsearch to ^7.0 as ^8.0 has major BC breaks (#105)
- Elasticsearch 8 support (#106)
- Added release automation (#103)
1.6.0 - Added support for PHP 8.1 (#101)
1.5.1 - Fix json_encode usage where ext-json is shared or does not exist - thanks @remicollet (#100)
1.5.0 - file_get_contents and curl_exec now record HTTP methods (#96)
1.4.3 - Fixed segfault when static anonymous functions are called (#94)
1.4.2 - Fixed some missed free calls after DYNAMIC_MALLOC_SPRINTF usage in PHP 8 only (#92)
1.4.1 - Fixed memory leaks from DYNAMIC_MALLOC_SPRINTF un-freed usages (#91)
1.4.0 - Only instrument if specifically enabled with scoutapm_enable_instrumentation() (#89)
1.3.0 - Userland function recording for PHP 7 with zend_execute_ex (#77)
- Userland function recording for PHP 8 with improved Zend Observer API (#79)
- Added Predis library function instrumentation (#80)
- Add support for phpredis Redis extension instrumentation (#82)
- Add instrumentation for Memcached (#84)
- Add instrumentation for Elasticsearch PHP library (#85)
- Change CI from Circle to GitHub Actions (#78)
- Fix SKIP block for phpredis test (#83)
1.2.2 - Do not try to record arguments if PDO::prepare returns a non-object (#72)
1.2.1 - Fixing builds on ZTS mode (thanks @remicollet, #69)
1.2.0 - Added support for PHP 8.0 (#66)
1.1.1 - Fixed typo in config.m4 for libcurl detection
1.1.0 - Added support for PHP 7.4 (#60)
- Improved cURL detection (thanks @remicollet, #58)
1.0.2 - Check if curl header is available and compile support with/without curl accordingly (#54)
- Fixed bug when overriding methods in extended classes (e.g. doctrine/dbal) (#56)
1.0.1 - Fix segfault when trying to access args out of bounds (#48)
- Fix exception raised when trying to fopen a file that does not exist (#50)
- Removed notice emitted calling some functions (#51)
1.0.0 - More documentation into (#38)
- Better text matrix introduced, including PHP 7.4 tests (#40)
- Improved argument handling for functions like `curl_exec`, `fwrite`, `fread`, `PDOStatement->execute` (#42, #43)
- Bug fixes for #41 and #29 to help prevent bad configuration of overwritten functions (#44)
0.0.4 - Fixed test failing because differing behaviour of sqlite in some versions
- Define i/j etc to follow c89 rules (thanks @remicollet)
0.0.3 - Fixed version number and naming convension so PECL uploader picks up on mismatches (last release was wrong)
0.0.2 - Added extra compiler flags in development mode with `--enable-scoutapm-dev`
- Fixed compilation errors surfaced by `--enable-scoutapm-dev` option
- Added missing file `` in tests
0.0.1 - Basic monitoring of file_get_contents, file_put_contents, fwrite, fread, curl_exec, PDO->exec, PDO->query, PDOStatement->execute
- Provides function scoutapm_get_calls() to return a list of recorded function calls