ref: Changelog

Version Message
0.6.0 Changelist:
- Drop PHP < 7.2 support (BC-breaking);
- Enforce object typehint (BC-breaking);
- Drop windows support (BC-breaking);
0.5.0 This release fix bugs, drop unused feature and soon to be EOL PHP 7.0 (see for details).

- Drop PHP < 7.1 support (BC-breaking);
- Remove array notifier in a favor of callback (BC-breaking);
- Remove references comparison (BC-breaking);
- Fix bug when object handle reused but previous state was not clean;
- Fix wrong behavior when reference get deleted during notifier call;
- Fix memleaks;
0.4.4 This release improves PHP 7.2 compatibility support

- Restore original referent obj handler when it is no longer tracked
0.4.3 - add PHP 7.2 compatibility support (Remi Collet )
0.4.2 This is a maintenance release which drops PHP < 7.0.3 support.
0.4.1 - fixes problem when false Ref\NotifierException thrown during object destruction if non-caught exception
was thrown before such destruction (outside notifiers and referent object destructor) (#17);
- do not call soft notifiers if original object was prevented from being destroyed in one of notifiers (#18).