
Phalcon is a full stack PHP framework offering low resource consumption and high performance.

Phalcon is an open source full stack framework for PHP, written as a C-extension. Phalcon is optimized for high
performance. Its unique architecture allows the framework to always be memory resident, offering its functionality
whenever its needed, without expensive file stats and file reads that traditional PHP frameworks employ.

License: BSD 3-Clause License

Latest releases

Version Release Download
5.8.0 2024-07-09 phalcon-5.8.0.tgz
5.7.0 2024-05-17 phalcon-5.7.0.tgz
5.6.2 2024-03-14 phalcon-5.6.2.tgz
5.6.1 2024-02-08 phalcon-5.6.1.tgz
5.6.0 2024-01-09 phalcon-5.6.0.tgz
Show all releases


Version Message
5.8.0 Full changelog can be found at:

### Changed

- Changed `Phalcon\Mvc\Model`, `Phalcon\Support\Collection` and `Phalcon\Support\Registry` to correctly implement `\Serializable` interface. [#16591](
- Changed the `Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Group::getHostname()` to return `null` also. [#16601](
- Changed `Phalcon\Mvc\View\Engine\Volt\Compiler::compileSource` to also return `array` [#16608](

### Added

- Added events and `Phalcon\Events\Manager` for `Phalcon\Storage\Adapter\Apcu`,
`Phalcon\Cache\AbstractCache`. [#16606](

### Fixed

- Fixed `Phalcon\Support\Helper\PascalCase` causing memory leak by anonymous function [#16593](
- Fixed `Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Query` to rollback failed transactions and re-throw exception for data consistency [#16604](
5.7.0 Full changelog can be found at:

### Changed

- Changed `Phalcon\Support\HelperFactory` to use the internal mapper for better memory management [#16571](

### Added

- New ini setting `phalcon.form.strict_entity_property_check` for `Phalcon\Forms\Form` to enable strict entity property checking. [#16567](

### Fixed

- Fixed `Phalcon\Mvc\Cli\Router` to extend the `Phalcon\Mvc\Cli\RouterInterface` [#16551](
- Fixed `Phalcon\Filter\Validation\Validator\StringLength::validate()` to correctly use the `include` parameter [#16560](
- Fixed `Phalcon\Db\Column::TYPE_BINARY` and `Phalcon\Db\Column::TYPE_TINYINTEGER` to have unique values [#16532](
- Fixed `Phalcon\Forms\Form` to bind only existing properties on entities, based on `phalcon.form.strict_entity_property_check` setting. [#16567](
- Fixed `Phalcon\Filter\Sanitize\BoolVal` to correctly handle integers. [#16582](
5.6.2 Full changelog can be found at:

### Changed

- Changed `Phalcon\Mvc\View\Engine\Volt\Compiler::filter` to use the helper with `upper` and `lower` for UTF-8 characters [#16543](
- Changed `Phalcon\Di\AbstractInjectionAware` to extend `stdClass` for PHP 8.2 deprecation warnings [#16543](
5.6.1 Full changelog can be found at:

### Changed

- Changed `Phalcon\Cli\Router::setDefaultAction` and `Phalcon\Cli\Router::setDefaultModule` to return the object back for a fluent interface [#16328](

### Fixed

- Fixed `Phalcon\Db\Adapter\Pdo\Postgresql::describeColumns()` to return the correct string back [#16371](
- Fixed `Phalcon/Filter/Validation::validate()` and `Phalcon/Filter/Validation/ValidationInterface::validate()` to return also `bool` [#16337](
- Fixed `Phalcon\Mvc\Model::toArray` to ignore getters when the field name is `source`. [#16514](
- Fixed `Phalcon\Http\Request::getPut` to correctly get form encoded data [#16519](
- Fixed deprecation warning in callables `Use of "static" in callables is deprecated` for PHP 8.2+ [#16263](
5.6.0 Full changelog can be found at:

### Changed

- Changed `Phalcon\Db\Adapter\Pdo\Mysql` to not use specific flags for `PDO` (`PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES` or `PDO::ATTR_STRINGIFY_FETCHES`) for performance reasons [#16474](
- Merged `Phalcon\Db\AbstractDb` with `Phalcon\Db\Adapter\AbstractAdapter` since the former was not used [#16474](

### Added

- Added `resetColumns()`, `resetFrom()`, `resetWhere()`, `resetGroupBy()`, `resetHaving()`, `resetOrderBy()`, `resetLimit()`, `resetFlags()` to the `Phalcon\Datamapper\Query\AbstractQuery` to allow resetting query filters.

### Fixed

- Fixed `Phalcon\Mvc\Model::count` to ignore the `order` parameter (needed for Posgresql) [#16471](
- Fixed `Phalcon\Mvc\Model::toArray` added parameter to ignore getters in order not to break serialize. [#16490](
- Fixed `Phalcon\Mvc\Model::toArray` changing the conditionals for population to remove segfault. [#16498](
Show complete changelog