pecl_http 4.1.0

Extended HTTP Support

This HTTP extension aims to provide a convenient and powerful
set of functionality for one of PHPs major applications.

It eases handling of HTTP urls, headers and messages, provides
means for negotiation of a client's preferred content type,
language and charset, as well as a convenient way to send any
arbitrary data with caching and resuming capabilities.

It provides powerful request functionality with support for
parallel requests.


License: BSD-2-Clause


* Added request options:
* http\Client\Curl::$abstract_unix_socket
* http\Client\Curl::$altsvc
* http\Client\Curl::$altsvc_ctrl
* http\Client\Curl::$aws_sigv4
* http\Client\Curl::$doh_url
* http\Client\Curl::$dns_shuffle_addresses
* http\Client\Curl::$haproxy_protocol
* http\Client\Curl::$hsts
* http\Client\Curl::$hsts_ctrl
* http\Client\Curl::$http09_allowed
* http\Client\Curl::$maxage_conn
* http\Client\Curl::$pinned_publickey
* http\Client\Curl::$proxy_ssl
* http\Client\Curl::$socks5_auth
* http\Client\Curl::$tcp_fastopen
* http\Client\Curl::$tls13_ciphers
* http\Client\Curl::$xoauth2_bearer
* Added request option constants:
* http\Client\Curl\AUTH_AWS_SIGV4
* http\Client\Curl\AUTH_BEARER
* http\Client\Curl\AUTH_NONE
* http\Client\Curl\HTTP_VERSION_3
* http\Client\Curl\SSL_VERSION_MAX_*
* http\Client\Curl\SSL_VERSION_TLSv1_3
* Added library version constants:
* http\Client\Curl\Versions\BROTLI
* http\Client\Curl\Versions\CAINFO
* http\Client\Curl\Versions\CAPATH
* http\Client\Curl\Versions\HYPER
* http\Client\Curl\Versions\ICONV
* http\Client\Curl\Versions\NGHTTP2
* http\Client\Curl\Versions\QUIC
* http\Client\Curl\Versions\ZSTD