pecl_http 3.1.0beta2

Extended HTTP Support

This HTTP extension aims to provide a convenient and powerful
set of functionality for one of PHPs major applications.

It eases handling of HTTP urls, headers and messages, provides
means for negotiation of a client's preferred content type,
language and charset, as well as a convenient way to send any
arbitrary data with caching and resuming capabilities.

It provides powerful request functionality with support for
parallel requests.


License: BSD-2-Clause


+ Added http\Client\Curl\User interface for userland event loops
+ Added http\Url::IGNORE_ERRORS, http\Url::SILENT_ERRORS and http\Url::STDFLAGS
+ Added http\Client::setDebug(callable $debug)
+ Added http\Client\Curl\FEATURES constants and namespace
+ Added http\Client\Curl\VERSIONS constants and namespace
+ Added share_cookies and share_ssl (libcurl >= 7.23.0) options to http\Client::configure()
+ http\Client uses curl_share handles to properly share cookies and SSL/TLS sessions between requests
+ Improved configure checks for default CA bundles
+ Improved negotiation precision
* Fixed regression introduced by http\Params::PARSE_RFC5987: negotiation using the params parser would receive param keys without the trailing asterisk, stripped by http\Params::PARSE_RFC5987.
* Fix gh-issue #50: http\Client::dequeue() within http\Client::setDebug() causes segfault (Mike, Maik Wagner)
* Fix gh-issue #47: http\Url: Null pointer deref in sanitize_value() (Mike, @rc0r)
* Fix gh-issue #45: HTTP/2 response message parsing broken with libcurl >= 7.49.1 (Mike)
* Fix gh-issue #43: Joining query with empty original variable in query (Mike, Sander Backus)
* Fix gh-issue #42: fatal error when using punycode in URLs (Mike, Sebastian Thielen)
* Fix gh-issue #41: Use curl_version_info_data.features when initializing options (Mike)
* Fix gh-issue #40: determinde the SSL backend used by curl at runtime (Mike, @rcanavan)
* Fix gh-issue #39: Notice: http\Client::enqueue(): Could not set option proxy_service_name (Mike, @rcanavan)
* Fix gh-issue #38: Persistent curl handles: error code not properly reset (Mike, @afflerbach)
* Fix gh-issue #36: Unexpected cookies sent if persistent_handle_id is used (Mike, @rcanavan, @afflerbach)
* Fix gh-issue #34: allow setting multiple headers with the same name (Mike, @rcanavan)
* Fix gh-issue #33: allow setting prodyhost request option to NULL (Mike, @rcanavan)
* Fix gh-issue #31: add/improve configure checks for default CA bundle/path (Mike, @rcanavan)

Changes from beta1:
* Fixed recursive calls to the event loop dispatcher