pecl_http 0.19.0

Extended HTTP Support

This HTTP extension aims to provide a convenient and powerful
set of functionality for one of PHPs major applications.

It eases handling of HTTP urls, headers and messages, provides
means for negotiation of a client's preferred content type,
language and charset, as well as a convenient way to send any
arbitrary data with caching and resuming capabilities.

It provides powerful request functionality with support for
parallel requests.


License: BSD-2-Clause


+ Added http_negotiate_content_type()

* Fixed bug in http_negotiate_*() when client sends spaces within accept headers

- Removed support for etag hashing through libmhash
- Removed HTTP_ETAG_* and HttpResponse::ETAG_* constants
- Changed http.etag_mode INI setting to acccept a string specifying the
hash algorithm to use for generating etags.
CRC32, MD5 and SHA1 are available out of the box with MD5 being the default.
If pecl/hash is available, any algorithm this extension provides can be used.