
Mustache templating language

This extension embeds a Mustache interpreter into PHP, allowing the execution of Mustache templates.

License: MIT

Latest releases

Version Release Download
0.9.3 2022-11-26 mustache-0.9.3.tgz
0.9.2 2020-11-13 mustache-0.9.2.tgz
0.9.1 2019-12-11 mustache-0.9.1.tgz
0.9.0 2019-05-27 mustache-0.9.0.tgz
0.8.1 2018-11-12 mustache-0.8.1.tgz
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Version Message
0.9.3 - PHP 8.2 compat (@remicollet)
0.9.2 - Fixes for latest PHP 8.0
- Drop max PHP version constraint in package.xml
0.9.1 - PHP 7.4 build fixes (@sunpoet)
- Fixed memory leak
0.9.0 - PHP 7.4 support
- Removed PHP 5.x support
0.8.1 - Require libmustache >= 0.5.0
- Remove old deprecated experimental compiler
- Change minimum PHP version to 5.6
- Allow installation on PHP 7.3
- Fix missing php5to7.h (@remicollet)
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