mongodb 1.2.0alpha3

MongoDB driver for PHP

The purpose of this driver is to provide exceptionally thin glue between MongoDB
and PHP, implementing only fundamental and performance-critical components
necessary to build a fully-functional MongoDB driver.

License: Apache License


** Bug
* [PHPC-794] - BulkWrite::update() silently ignores invalid arguments

** Improvement
* [PHPC-424] - Validate that read preference tag set is an array of documents
* [PHPC-705] - Do not unnecessarily wrap filters in $query

** New Feature
* [PHPC-498] - ReadPreference, ReadConcern, and WriteConcern should serialize to BSON
* [PHPC-734] - Support providing collation per operation
* [PHPC-752] - Allow users to set a limit on acceptable staleness

** Task
* [PHPC-783] - Use mongoc_collection_find_with_opts() for Query execution
* [PHPC-796] - Use flexible opts for BulkWrite update and delete