mongodb 1.2.0alpha2

MongoDB driver for PHP

The purpose of this driver is to provide exceptionally thin glue between MongoDB
and PHP, implementing only fundamental and performance-critical components
necessary to build a fully-functional MongoDB driver.

License: Apache License


** Bug
* [PHPC-762] - undefined symbol: mongoc_write_concern_is_acknowledged

** Improvement
* [PHPC-433] - Persist topology state between requests
* [PHPC-726] - Allow cross-platform serialization of Timestamp and UTCDateTime
* [PHPC-731] - Parse Timestamp argument as strings to accept large integers
* [PHPC-742] - Regex constructor should default flags arg to empty string
* [PHPC-744] - Improve error messages for invalid Decimal128 and ObjectID strings

** New Feature
* [PHPC-552] - Implement ObjectID::getTimestamp() method
* [PHPC-716] - Support new readConcern level "linearizable"
* [PHPC-757] - Implement The MongoDB Handshake Protocol
* [PHPC-786] - Support appname in URI array options

** Task
* [PHPC-605] - Rely on libmongoc's socket handling and SSL implementation
* [PHPC-629] - Upgrade libbson and libmongoc to 1.4.0
* [PHPC-704] - Do not set "mongodb.debug" based on Manager's $driverOptions["debug"]
* [PHPC-761] - Remove BSON_NAMESPACE constant
* [PHPC-769] - Javascript serialization, export, and dump should always include scope field
* [PHPC-779] - Switch serialization from O type to C type
* [PHPC-789] - Remove __wakeup from BSON/* classes