mongodb 1.1.7

MongoDB driver for PHP

The purpose of this driver is to provide exceptionally thin glue between MongoDB
and PHP, implementing only fundamental and performance-critical components
necessary to build a fully-functional MongoDB driver.

License: Apache License


* PHPC-572: Keep stream context options alive for Manager's lifetime
* PHPC-671: Avoid mongoc_client_t use-after-free by Cursor and Server
* PHPC-698: Check HAVE_OPENSSL_EXT before calling php-ssl.c functions
* PHPC-699: Rename "php_mongo" functions to not conflict with legacy driver
* Fix expected exception message for PHPC-487 test case
* PHPC-677: Keep pem_file valid for life of mongoc_client_t
* PHPC-550: Remove XFAIL ODS tests for removed functionality
* PHPC-672: Fix zend_str_tolower usage