mongodb 1.1.3

MongoDB driver for PHP

The purpose of this driver is to provide exceptionally thin glue between MongoDB
and PHP, implementing only fundamental and performance-critical components
necessary to build a fully-functional MongoDB driver.

License: Apache License


* Skip PHPC-545 test on HHVM due to __pclass encoding order
* PHPC-613: toJSON() should throw if bson_as_json() fails
* PHPC-615: Return after throwing for bson_reader_read() error
* PHPC-616: Document and array visitors should throw for corrupt BSON
* PHPC-531: Fix double free in corrupt BSON visitor
* Fixed PHPC-506: Use more descriptive messages in WriteExceptions
* PHPC-414: Combine 32-bit and 64-bit UTCDateTime debug handler tests
* PHPC-593: Binary type is an unsigned 8-bit integer
* PHPC-594: Timestamp components are unsigned 32-bit integers
* PHPC-595: Throw exception if wtimeout > INT32_MAX
* PHPC-544: Use phongo_long in UTCDateTime ctor
* PHPC-544: Consult SIZEOF_ZEND_LONG for 64-bit integer support
* PHPC-592: ADD_ASSOC_STRINGL() can only be used with string literals
* PHPC-545: Regression test for Peristable bug report
* PHPC-550: Always encode ODS field when serializing Persistable documents
* PHPC-581: Use ConnectionTimeoutException for server selection failures
* PHPC-582: Manager::selectServer() should select exception class based on bson_error_t
* PHPC-553: Relax expected output patterns for HHVM
* PHPC-553: Check for connection exceptions in exec and SS methods
* PHPC-553: Suppress warnings during stream creation
* PHPC-566: Remove request_id from Manager::__debugInfo()
* PHPC-567: Bump config.m4 library deps
* PHPC-567: Upgrade libbson and libmongoc to 1.3.3
* PHPC-523: Parse readconcernlevel in URI options array
* PHPC-563: Remove undocumented Manager "hosts" URI option
* PHPC-539: Include read concern in Query debug output
* PHPC-519: Add missing modifiers to final class methods
* PHPC-538: ObjectID should not abort on null ctor arg
* PHPC-515: Test that negative cursor limits return one batch
* Fixed PHPC-543: MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime on 32 bit platforms parse argument wrong
* Fixed PHPC-558: Upgrade libmongoc and libbson to 1.3.2