mongodb 0.6.0

MongoDB driver for PHP

The purpose of this driver is to provide exceptionally thin glue between MongoDB
and PHP, implementing only fundamental and performance-critical components
necessary to build a fully-functional MongoDB driver.

License: Apache License


* PHPC-282: Test for multiple Cursor::toArray() calls
* PHPC-255: Cursors cannot rewind after starting iteration
* PHPC-282: Remove tests for multiple iterators on the same Cursor
* PHPC-282: Cursor should not yield multiple iterators
* PHPC-284: Create MongoDB\Driver\Exception\LogicException class
* PHPC-283: UnexpectedValueException for invalid bsonSerialize() return value
* PHPC-280: WriteConcern should always set journal/fsync boolean args
* PHPC-179: Show unset journal/fsync as null in WriteConcern debug handler
* PHPC-274: Regression test for root BSON\Serializable encoding
* PHPC-275: object_to_bson() handling for invalid bsonSerialize() retval
* PHPC-274: Fix zval_to_bson() encoding of BSON\Serializable objects
* PHPC-278: nModified may be null for legacy writes
* PHPC-269: Travis mojo again
* PHPC-272: Move exceptions into MongoDB\Driver\Exception namespace