memcached 0.2.0

PHP extension for interfacing with memcached via libmemcached library

This extension uses libmemcached library to provide API for communicating with memcached servers.

License: PHP


- Refactor the way payload types are stored in memcached flags to optimize the structure
and allow for future expansion. WARNING! You have to flush the cache when upgrading from
an older version.
- Add JSON serializer support, requires PHP 5.2.10+.
- Add HAVE_JSON and HAVE_IGBINARY class constants that indicate whether the respective
serializers are available.
- Add 'flags' parameter to getMulti() and getMultiByKey().
- Add GET_PRESERVE_ORDER class constant that can be used with abovementioned flags
parameter to make the order of the keys in the response match the request.
- Fix an issue with retrieving 0-length payloads (FALSE boolean value).
- Add several tests.