jsonc: Changelog

Version Message
1.3.10 - fix gh#27 invalid string to float convertion
- fix gh#28 fix result when we decode number with "-" in bad position
1.3.9 - fix #70499 segfault after json_decode
1.3.8 - using system libjson-c is no more supported
- fix BIGINT behavior
- fix #12 allow float starting with a dot
- fix #23 single quote in property name
- fix #9 invalid UTF-8 characters
1.3.8RC1 - using system libjson-c is no more supported
- fix BIGINT behavior
- fix #12 allow float starting with a dot
- fix #23 single quote in property name
- fix #9 invalid UTF-8 characters
1.3.7 - apply fix for #50224 where float without decimals were converted to
integer by adding JSON_PRESERVE_ZERO_FRACTION. (Juan Basso)
1.3.6 - apply fix for #66021 (Blank line inside empty array/object)
- fix #20 json_decode segfault when depth=0
1.3.5 - libjson-c CVE-2013-6371: hash collision denial of service
- libjson-c CVE-2013-6370: buffer overflow if size_t is larger than int
1.3.4 - Fixed bug #65753 JsonSerializeable couldn't implement on module extension
1.3.3 - properly decode string value with null-byte
- allow to build in php tree
- drop confusing warning about JSON_BIGINT_AS_STRING
- add E_NOTICE "integer overflow detected"
1.3.2 - number must not have leading zeroes (json-c pr #90, merged)
- string must be double-quoted (json-c PR #94)
- comment are not allowed (json-c PR #94)
- trailing char after data not allowed (json-c PR #94)
- add JSON_C_BUNDLED and JSON_C_VERSION constants
1.3.1 - windows build support (thanks to weltling)
- build as json.so or jsonc.so (--with-jsonc option)
- rename LIBJSON_VERSION to HAVE_LIBJSON (internal only)
- parse 64 bits integer as float, or string, on 32 bits build
1.3.0 Version 1.3.0 is Major rewrite which use the use json-c library 0.11:
- json_decode use json-c parser
- add JsonIncrementalParser class
- temporarily rename as jsonc