
High resolution timing

The extension implements a high resolution StopWatch class. It uses the the best possible APIs on different platforms. It also makes possible to implement a custom stopwatch using low level ticks delivered by the underlaying APIs.

License: BSD

Latest releases

Version Release Download
0.6.0 2017-01-05 hrtime-0.6.0.tgz
0.5.1 2015-02-03 hrtime-0.5.1.tgz
0.5.0 2015-02-01 hrtime-0.5.0.tgz
0.4.3 2014-04-18 hrtime-0.4.3.tgz
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Version Message
0.6.0 - Major refactoring of the class structure, as described below
- HRTime\PerformanceCounter::getFrequency() is now static
- add HRTime\PerformanceCounter::getTicks()
- add HRTime\PerformanceCounter::getTicksSince()
- moved HRTime\PerformanceCounter::start() to HRTime\StopWatch::start()
- moved HRTime\PerformanceCounter::stop() to HRTime\StopWatch::stop()
- moved HRTime\PerformanceCounter::getElapsedTicks() to HRTime\StopWatch::getElapsedTicks()
- moved HRTime\PerformanceCounter::getLastElapsedTicks() to HRTime\StopWatch::getLastElapsedTicks()
- moved HRTime\PerformanceCounter::isRunning() to HRTime\StopWatch::isRunning()
0.5.1 - fixed invalid free under PHP7
0.5.0 - PHP7 compatibility
- marked stable
0.4.3 - first public release
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