ds: Changelog

Version Message
1.5.0 - Support for PHP 8.3
- Fix #194 @nielsdos
- Fix #200 @nielsdos
1.4.0 - Support for PHP 8.1
1.3.0 - ArrayAccess implemented consistently
- IteratorAggregate implemented consistently
- A few incorrect return types
1.2.9 Fix segfault when iterating an implicit instance of Stack, Queue or PriorityQueue.
1.2.8 Fixed buffer outflow during deserialization of map objects. @rado-h
1.2.7 - Fixed pair reflection bugs. #119
1.2.6 - Fixed not clearing memory after buffer reallocation. #114
1.2.5 - Fixed empty `PriorityQueue` causing segfault on `gc_collect_cycles`. #106
1.2.4 - Fixed empty `PriorityQueue` causing segfault on `gc_collect_cycles`. #106
1.2.3 - Fixed memory allocation bug on ppc64. @remicollet #88
1.2.2 - Segfault in ds_htable_lookup_bucket_by_hash. @gnoddep #86
1.2.1 - Minor capacity adjustments
1.2.0 - Vector's minimum and default capacity down from 10 to 8.
- Map and Set's minimum and default capacity down from 16 to 8.
- Hash function of arrays is now the length of the array, so O(1).
1.1.10 - Fix using a key as reference not working correctly with array access. #86
1.1.9 - Iterating over an implicit iterator (not variable). #82
1.1.8 - PriorityQueue automatic truncate bug #78
- Bugs related to unserialization. #77
1.1.7 - Preliminary support for PHP 7.2
1.1.6 - Fix htable truncating capacity below minimum
1.1.5 - phpinfo header
- ds_htable_put_distinct wasn't rehashing the correct bucket pointer
- Memory leaks
1.1.4 Vector and Deque rotate crashing when empty due to attempte mod zero.
1.1.3 Fixed memory leaks during map when callback throws an exception.
Fixed memory leaks when structures contain themselves.
Fixed module dependencies.
Version info in phpinfo()
1.1.2 Fixed many memory leaks
Fixed json dependency
Minor performance improvements
1.1.1 Fix memory leaks where objects were not free'd correctly
1.1.0 Add Pair::copy
1.0.4 Fix memory leak when unserialize fails
Fix bad hash table bucket copy
1.0.3 Fix intersect, diff, xor before contains bug (see docs #4)
Add Set::merge
1.0.2 Add Map::putAll
1.0.1 Fixed Map::apply
1.0.0 Test release.