decimal: Changelog

Version Message
2.0.0 - Default decimal precision changed from 28 to 34.
- Decimal operations now use the **minimum** precision of all operands.
- Added `Decimal\Rational` implementation for rational numbers (fractions).
- Added `Decimal\Number` abstract class.
- Performance improvements, reduced object allocations.
- Private constructors, static initializers via `valueOf`.
1.5.0 - Fix object handlers for PHP 8.3 (thank you @Majkl578)
1.4.0 - Added support for PHP 8 (thank you @zlodes)
- Added support for mpdecimal 2.5+
- Fixed internal exception when passing negative decimal places to toFixed
1.3.1 - Fixed abs affected by precision.
1.3.0 - Fixed sqrt of -INF returning -INF rather than NAN. #13
- Disable opcache pass 2 due to numeric string to float casts. Thanks @krakjoe
1.2.0 - Change signum of NAN returning 1, now throws RuntimeException. #10
- Change toInt of NAN and INF returning 0, now throws RuntimeException. #11
- Fix pthreads incompatibility (properly). #12
1.1.2 Fix incompatibility with pthreads. #12 @krakjoe
1.1.1 Fix "signum" returning 1 for zero, instead of 0.
1.1.0 Added "trim" method, to remove trailing zeroes.
1.0.1 Package content updates, smarter .m4 @remicollet
1.0.0 Initial release, request for comments.