datadog_trace 0.73.0

APM and distributed tracing for PHP

The Datadog PHP Tracer brings APM and distributed tracing to PHP.

License: BSD 3-Clause


## Application Security Monitoring
### v0.3.1
#### Fixes
- Fix relative module order with ddtrace on PHP 7.3 issue [#88]( - [#86](

### v0.3.0
#### Breaking Changes
- Rename ini settings from `datadog.appsec.rules_path` to `datadog.appsec.rules` [#74](
- Interpret `datadog.appsec.waf_timeout` as microseconds rather than milliseconds [#74](

### Fixes
- Add obfuscator strings when initialising WAF from client settings [#83](

#### Additions
- Add WAF metrics and errors to traces [#79](
- Actor IP resolution from request headers [#80](
- Add support for WAF event obfuscator [#82](
- Add obfuscator regex for values [#84](

#### Miscellaneous Changes
- Update installer links in documentation and tests [#76](
- Add `parameter_view` for non-ownership of WAF parameters [#78](
- Accept IP list on `X-Cluster-Client-IP` header [#81](
- Update ruleset to v1.3.1 [#82](
- libddwaf upgraded to v1.3.0 [#82](
- Update installation instructions [#84](