
APM and distributed tracing for PHP

The Datadog PHP Tracer brings APM and distributed tracing to PHP.

License: BSD 3-Clause

Latest releases

Version Release Download
1.0.0beta1 2024-04-16 datadog_trace-1.0.0beta1.tgz
0.99.1 2024-04-04 datadog_trace-0.99.1.tgz
0.99.0 2024-04-02 datadog_trace-0.99.0.tgz
0.98.1 2024-03-04 datadog_trace-0.98.1.tgz
0.98.0 2024-02-19 datadog_trace-0.98.0.tgz
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Version Message
1.0.0beta1 This beta release contains all breaking changes planned for dd-trace-php 1.0. An upgrade guide can be found at

## Tracer

### Added
- Add --ini and --extension-dir installation option #2620
- CodeIgniter 3 Compatibility #2515
- Add CakePHP 3+ Support #2618

### Changed
- Cleanup deferred loader and remove some PHP 5 compat code #2527
- Change DD_TRACE_SAMPLING_RULES_FORMAT default from regex to glob #2534
- Raise API errors instead of debug logs when wrong arguments are passed #2542
- Change WordPress Default Behavior #2525
- [OTel] Only set resource info on root spans #2558
- Remove early code execution and use an autoloader instead #2530
- Remove deprecated configuration keys or APIs #2574
- Drop Configuration classes from API #2596

### Fixed
- Elasticsearch: Hook not being removed #2616
- Fix shared compilation on macOS
- Fix host Scopes not being removed #2624
- Add note about update_span_duration semantics #2622

### Internal
- Use a global version and change installer tests to use the version #2537
- Clean PHP 5 checks #2584
- Collect 'logs_created' internal metric #2604
- Make the root Makefile macOS compatible #2614
- Add stats reporting for sidecar and telemetry #2621
- Clean Integration configuration #2598
- Re-added spans_created telemetry metric Datadog/libdatadog#391

## Application Security Management

### Fixed
- Disable Appsec when FrankenPHP SAPI is detected #2617
0.99.1 ## Tracer

### Changed
- revert ?Send spans_created telemetry metric #2577? to fix a memory leak

### Fixed
- Fix compilation on macOs #2613
0.99.0 ## Tracer

Windows x64 support is officially GA (generally available).

Some performance work has been undertaken to primarily reduce the overhead of telemetry reporting.
The next release will be version 1.0 and remove deprecated and some unused code and APIs.

### Added
- Support the [FrankenPHP]( SAPIs #2602
- Add zts support for alpine #2564
- Swoole Integration #2595

### Changed
- w3c phase 2: add last parent_id to tracestate #2549

### Fixed
- Handle relative ext/ paths and test the windows installer #2559
- Fix exec integration build on PHP 8.4 #2543
- Fix Orphans not being sampled-out #2550
- Fix fibers with tracer disabled #2576
- Update update_span_duration return type #2586
- Fix #2563: ddtrace overrides php error log permissions #2583
- Allow hooking an inherited internal constructor #2591
- Distinguish architectures on windows #2593
- Fix the ExecIntegration name #2597

### Internal
- Get rid of some bitwise checking in ddog_shall_log #2539
- Use faster bincode for ipc #2544
- Update to use DDOG_CHARSLICE_C and new DDOG_CHARSLICE_C_BARE helpers #2565
- Slightly Improve OTel Performances #2561
- Send spans_created telemetry metric #2577

## Profiler
### Added
- add [FrankenPHP]( to the list of recognised SAPIs #2523
- enabled allocation profiling for PHP ZTS #2506
- report PHP build (`nts-ndebug` vs `zts-ndebug`) #2536

### Internal
- add tests for exception profiling in ZTS builds #2562
- update to libdatadog v7 #2605

## Application Security Management
### Added
- Add DD_APPSEC_SCA_ENABLED new configuration variable #2557

### Fixed
- Make Laravel appsec login success event more accurate #2600
- Enable appsec by ini only when enable-appsec present #2567
- Provide path params to appsec #2395
0.98.1 ## Tracer

### Fixed
- Always include the whole of src/ in the Windows and PECL build (#2533)
- Ensure the permissions of the log file are actually really 0666 (#2528)
- Avoid remapping freed memory in trace sender fallback (#2541)
- Fix possible crash in dd_patched_zend_call_known_function on early PHP 8.0 and 8.1 versions (#2548)
- Make ddtrace_disable a true global to avoid crashes in ZTS with unsupported SAPI/extensions (#2545)
0.98.0 ### Fixes across all extensions
- Handle Apache graceful restarts more accurately #2483
- Mark config as immutable and interned to avoid refcounting race conditions #2516

## Tracer
This release includes Windows dlls for the tracer starting with PHP 7.2. #2230

Windows support is in beta. We recommend carefully deploying the tracer to staging environments and testing it there before putting it to production. We are looking towards stabilizing Windows quickly, so any feedback and issue reports are welcome.

### Added
- Enhance logging #2490
- This features two new logging options:
- `datadog.trace.log_level` allows more fine-grained control over logging (`error`, `warn`, `info`, `debug`, `trace`). It follows the RUST_LOG standard. Note that `datadog.trace.debug` still takes precedence if set.
- `datadog.trace.log_file` allows specifying a dedicated target file for any datadog trace logs instead of the default php error location.
- More log lines were added to allow for observing submitted spans (debug level) and hook invocations (trace level).
- Add http.route to Wordpress #2491

### Changed
- Have datadog.trace.db_client_split_by_instance also affect mysqli and sqlsrv #2508
- Record nested exceptions in the integrations #2514
- Evaluate numbers and bools in tags and metrics for sampling rules #2521

### Fixed
- Access to undefined method `attempts` in LaravelQueueIntegration #2485
- Include generated curl_exec spans of curl_multi_exec() in metrics #2505
- Remove Symfony Command Hook After Execution #2492
- Add zend_try around closing and flushing spans #2507
- Make PDO split-by coherent with other DB split-by with service name flattening #2524

### Internal
- No longer compile the mockgen as part of the rust build #2512
- Add TEA Benchmarks #2438
- Reduce CI and Local Flakiness #2496, #2518

## Profiling
This release requires System INIs to be used to configure the profiler settings which control the enabling/disabling of individual features. If you are configuring the profiler using `php datadog-setup.php config set`, you should be fine. We recommend switching to use the [config mode of datadog-setup.php]( to configure profiling.

### Added
- Enable timeline by default #2480. This can be disabled by setting the INI setting datadog.profiling.timeline_enabled to 0 or false. Using the datadog-setup.php script is recommended, for example:

php datadog-setup.php config set --php-bin all -ddatadog.profiling.timeline_enabled=0
- PHP ZTS support for CPU- and Wall Time profiling #2470
- Add exception message to exception sample (opt-in) #2434

### Changed
- Breaking-change: require system INIs for profiling features #2468

### Internal
- Update dependencies and pin `ahash` #2479
- Fix clippy::single-match #2482
- Update to libdatadog 6 #2513
- Refactor: use SystemSettings in locals #2487
- Fix accidentally skipped tests #2517

## Application Security Management
This release introduces support for the Roadrunner application server and extends threat detection and blocking on XML and JSON request payloads. Request and response payloads are now also used to expand the already existing API security features.

### Added
- Roadrunner appsec support #2443
- Provide server.response.body #2489
- Support json/xml request bodies #2499

### Changed
- Change ip header parsing/header reporting #2503

### Fixed
- Fix blocking on PHP 7.0-7.1 ZTS #2502
- Ensure logs are committed to disk upon shutdown #2495

### Internal
- Upgrade libddwaf and ruleset #2520
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