CSV: Changelog

Version Message
0.4.2 Security release
* Fix buffer overflow when using multibyte enclosures
* Suppress PHP 8.2 Deprecation in test

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0.4.1 * Compatibility with PHP 8.1.

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0.4.0 Minimum PHP version is now 8.0 due to the usage of new Zend APIs.
All functions have been moved to static methods of a new CSV class.
Function names now refer to "buffer" instead of "file" as a string is used.
CSV::collectionToBuffer() now supports iterable collections, not just arrays.
In case of field number miss-match a ValueError is thrown instead of an Error.
A new CSV::bufferToCollectionLax() has been introduced which doesn't throw a ValueError in case of field number miss-match.

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0.3.2 Security release
Fix buffer overflow when using multibyte enclosures
0.3.1 Fix Windows compilation.
Fix package stability.
Add tests for a custom EOL sequence as nul byte.
Bundle tests with release.
0.3.0 Initial release on PECL.