ast 1.0.3

Extension exposing PHP 7 abstract syntax tree

php-ast exports the AST internally used by PHP 7.
php-ast is significantly faster than PHP-Parser, because the AST construction is implemented in C.
However, php-ast may only parse code that is syntactically valid on the version of PHP it runs on.

License: BSD-3-Clause


- Fix build error in php 7.4.0alpha3.
- Add `DIM_ALTERNATIVE_SYNTAX` as a flag of `AST_DIM` for `$x{'offset'}` (for php 7.4+)
- Add `PARENTHESIZED_CONDITIONAL` as a flag of `AST_CONDITIONAL` for `($a ? $b : $c)` (for php 7.4+)
- Bugfix: Make `ast\kind_uses_flags(ast\AST_ARROW_FUNC)` true in php 7.3 and lower.